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Industrial hemp is an interesting and unique crop with a vivid history spanning centuries. However, the hemp plant has been faced with controversy in the last 70 years. The industry is experiencing restrictions that are thought to be imposed by the current social, economic and political atmosphere surrounding key stakeholders, rather than any technical inferiority. Education regarding this subject seems inadequate and appears restricted to those who actively research the topic themselves. As a fiber and oil- seed crop, hemp offers agricultural potential and the aility to be manufactured into valuable end uses.

There are many misconceptions surrounding Cannabis sativa L., especially in developed countries. Current or recently lifted hemp prohibition is a huge social obstacle to overcome and strongly influences societperception. It has been an uphill battle for many individuals involved in the hemp industry in terms of justifying their research, interest and faith in the crop. Misconceptions turn into misrepresentation of the hemp industry especially in term of food products and medicinal uses when hemp is connected with Marijuana which remains as an illicit drug in many countries.

This is based on the fact that few people actually know the difference between hemp and marijuana.

The hemp industry began as a grass roots movement and is supported by the current cultural (if only peripheral) movement back to more naturally derived products. The general social perception of the hemp industry has been changing in developed countries in the last decade. This can in part be attributed to an information revolution and er of the internet. There are literally hundreds of online hemp networks and associations sharing both academic and non-academic information on the hemp industry.



Most of the Hemp activism in the present times is through internet, Non - profit and profit organisations trying to work towards Legalisation, regulation and education of Hemp. Some of the website portals working towards this are:


Apart from the online education happening through these websites there are two muse- ums of HEMP one in Amsterdam and the city of Barcelona who work towards Uncover- ing the Past, Present and Future of the Cannabis Plant and spereading awareness of the applications of the versatile plant.

This unique permanent exhibition shows visitors how a single amazingly versatile plant species enabled the development of clothing, medicine, sea travel, agriculture and more, and how cannabis and hemp - which are simply different strains of the same plant - have been part of everyday life for thousands of years.

In 1985, the world’s first museum devoted to cannabis opened in the heart of Am- sterdam. As Ben Dronkers, the founder, stated: “Through the Museum, we wanted to provide people with information about what hash, marijuana and hemp can do. Not simply the role of cannabis in Amsterdam’s coffeeshops, but its status as an essential, renewable resource and a global cultural and natural phenomenon.

On 9 May 2012, the Hash Marihuana Cáñamo & Hemp Museum was officially opened in Barcelona, Spain.

Socio-Political Research

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