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Experiment 3.1 aims - as the previous Expetiment 3.0 - to measure in within different CO2 ranges (low, medium and high), the growth of plants,
in a controled atmosphere.

After the conclusions from Experiment 3.0, about the inputs and elements that emerged to relate with the CO2 absroption, it was decided to carry on, with the same  CO2 feeding technique: CO2Y, and to refine the measurement systems.


Improved, into Apparatus 3.1


Prototype 3.1, acts as a cluster of encubators, where two plants per CO2 range are alligned (high, medium, low, control group), as before; but also, it germinates seedingls, to expose them to the same  CO2 feeding system, since an early stage (as in apparatus 1.0).

Other conditions, such as lighting or the frequency of CO2 renovation, remain the same.

Growing Experiments


Prototype 3.1, acts as a cluster of encubators, where two plants per CO2 range are alligned (high, medium, low, control group), as before; but also, it germinates seedingls, to expose them to the same  CO2 feeding system, since an early stage (as in apparatus 1.0).

Other conditions, such as lighting or the frequency of CO2 renovation, remain the same.

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